About My Campaign
Hello! Welcome to my campaign page.
My name is Kevin Hickman and I have been a Paramedic in the GTA for 7 years. In my career, I have been witness to the amazing work AEDs can provide to patients who have suffered a sudden cardiac arrest (SCA).
During my time where I was off frontline work due to injury, I have had the amazing opportunity to work for my region’s Public Access Defibrillator Program. Being involved in the behind the scene work, such as establishing strategic locations for AEDs, educating the public on how these devices work and the importance of CPR and early defibrillation are key links in the chain of survival.
Seeing how effective a PAD Program can be in a highly populated region with quick response times - it is only beneficial for a PAD Program to be introduced in cottage communities such as ours, where response times and distance to hospitals are much longer.
To initiate the Program for the GPCA, this campaign has been set up to help fund the first 24/7 publicly available outdoor AED & Save Station. I have volunteered to use my cottage, which is also my parents full time residence, as the first location of this unit. I am hoping to inspire more cottagers and local businesses to adopt similar units to help make Gloucester Pool one of the safest lakes and cottage associations in Ontario. It is my goal to spread GPCA initiative to other cottage communities.
Thank You!
This is a great initiative, thank you!