Prior to launching a campaign, it is important that you have been in touch with a SaveStation Distributor who will work with you to determine the best solution for your area. If you are not currently working with a SaveStation Distributor, we will connect you with one in your area - contact us to get started.
- SaveStation Distributors are industry experts who sell AEDs.
- You will work with your SaveStation Distributor to choose the right SaveStation, and pair it with the AED of your choice.
- After the placement, your Distributor will provide ongoing support to ensure your AED is always ready for rescue.
- SaveStation will provide resources to help promote your new SaveStation and inform others of when and how to use it.

Work with your SaveStation Distributor to identify where the SaveStation will be placed (e.g. on your home, or in the community). Please visit our “Choosing a SaveStation” page for more information.

Start a Fundraising Campaign! Your SaveStation Distributor will help you create your campaign, choose the right pictures and help you tell your story as to why you want to place your SaveStation and the importance of quick access to an AED.

Share your campaign far and wide! Use the social share buttons found on your campaign dashboard and send out an email to friends and family!

Once your funding goal has been achieved, you will work with your SaveStation Distributor to arrange for the delivery of your SaveStation/AED. Great job! You have just significantly improved the #cardiacsafety of your community!