The Muskokan Resort Cardiac Safe Place

By Muskokan Resort Club

Making our Community #CardiacSafe!

Making The Muskokan Cardiac Safe

Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) is still one of the leading causes of death and can happen to anyone, anywhere and at any time.  Without an Automated External Defibrillator (AED), the chances for survival are almost zero.  Every second counts!

Now that the Board has decided to keep the Boathouse Open 24/7 we are able to utilize a more cost effective Indoor AED solution.

We are Crowdfunding to purchase 2 Indoor AEDs to protect Owners, families and guests.  One will be in the Boathouse and the second in the Clubhouse.  We will be forwarding an AED/CPR Awareness Video and Product specific video to all Owners.

We are asking that every Owner/Interval donate $26.00 and we will hit our goal. 

This Muskokan Owner AEDs will provide all of us with the power to save a life!

Of note, all Muskokan Staff are trained and have their CPR/AED certification. 

My Updates

AED/SaveStation Update

Thank you everyone for your support and donations.  We have enough funds to move ahead with a SaveStation in the Boathouse. We will continue to fundraise for a 2nd AED near the pool and Clubhouse.  We are just waiting for the go ahead from Board and Management.  Hopefully it will be up very soon. 

We will then forward an Education and Awareness Flyer to all Owners with a link on how to use the AED and start CPR.

Thrilled we are making The Muskokan a Cardiac Safe Environment. 

Purchase of 2 Indoor AEDs

Now that the Board has decided to keep the Boathouse Open 24/7 we are able to utilize a more cost effective Indoor AED solution.

We are Crowdfunding to purchase 2 Indoor AEDs to protect Owners, families and guests.  One will be in the Boathouse and the second in the Clubhouse.  We will be forwarding an AED/CPR Awareness Video and Product specific video to all Owners.

We are asking that every Owner donate $26.00 per interval and we will hit our goal. 

This Muskokan Owner AEDs will provide all of us with the power to save a life!

Watch this quick CPR & AED training refresher video and learn how to use the AED that will be inside our SaveStation that we’re fundraising for!!

Thank you to my Sponsors


Lisa Will




Rick Paddock Tanya Feil


Mary Lou & John Mulholland


S And J Haldenby


Carla & Paul Murphy

Great idea!


Nicki And John Groenewegen


Brenda & Dave Mcintosh


Brian & Rose Marie

Helping with the stress-free atmosphere at the Muskokan.


Susan Erickson And Frank Storto

From Carling 10…


John And Patty Low

Great idea


Sonia Padilla

Let’s do this and save lives!!


Joe Catanzaro


Doreen Yee

Great idea. People should ideally also be trained in BLS (Basic Life Support).


Darryl And Trudi Demille

Good idea.




Vicky Gibson


Nancy Black


Sheena Gingerich


Robert Yu


Scott Walling


Catherine Tokarz


Marina Paul

Hello Deb, my friend told me that she was having the same issue and you sent her a new link. I now have the link and have now donated. I noticed your donations aren't that plentiful, maybe you want to resend the email with a link that works, otherwise people give up if not easy for them. Just a thought ...


Paul Martin

Great idea


Sandy Barredo


Deb And Tom Van Natter

We are excited about ensuring that The Muskokan Resort Club is a cardiac safe environment.


James And Janine Allin

Carling 4, Week 4


Karin Ewert


Gabriele Wills



An important, life saving idea


Dave Iacobelli

Sandfield 2, week 2.


Mike Keegan & Marilyn Grigg


Al And Cheryle Slattery


Neville And Lorraine Kirchmann

Great to know we will have this added protection!


Dave Robins


David Round


Randy Lalonde

Keep our guests and families safe!


Bruce Elmore

Hopefully all owners will contribute to this very essential piece of equipment.


Joel S Steinman & Victoria Apanovich

Great funding idea. This is an investment by each of us to benefit all of us!


Dawn And Mike Pray




George Karkas


Steven Mannoik


Ron & Chris Wood S5/2


Greg Gunnell


Laura Fowlie


Bruce Hill


Jacqueline Herbsleb


John Yates




Dwaine Praught


Vanessa Hughes




Paul Yoon


Jeannette Briand And David Adams


Sue Western


Wendy Campbell

Lets get this done!!!!